Hazard Types

Hazard Types

Here’s a brief introduction about hazard types : Hazard exist in every workplace, but how do you know which ones have the most potential to harm worker? by identifying hazard at your workplace, you will be better prepare to control or eliminate them prevent accident, injury, property damage and downtime. 


Definition of Hazard: A hazard is any situation, substance, activity, or condition that has the potential to cause harm, damage, injury, or adverse effects to humans, property, or the environment.

Risk: Hazards represent the potential for harm, while risk refers to the likelihood and severity of harm occurring due to exposure to a hazard. Risk assessment involves evaluating hazards, estimating the level of risk, and implementing measures to reduce or eliminate risk.


6 Types Of Hazard

01) Safety Hazard

02) Biological Hazard

03) Physical Hazard

04) Ergonomic Hazard

05) Chemical Hazard

06) Workplace Organization Hazard


01) Safety Hazard

safety hazard are unsafe working condition that can cause injury, illness and death. safety hazard are the most common workplace hazard.

  • anything that can cause spills or trips such as cords running across the floor or ice
  • any thing that can cause falls such as working from height including ladders, scaffolds, roofs or any raised work
  • Unguarded machinery and moving machinery parts that worker can  accidentally touch
  • electrical hazard like frayed, cords, missing ground pins, improper wiring
  • confined space


02) Biological Hazard

Biological hazard include exposure to hard or disease associated with working with animal, people or infections plant material. 

Workplace with these kinds of hazards include but are not limited to work in school, day facilities, collage and university, hospital, laboratories. emergency response nursing homes or various outdoor occupations.

  • Blood and other body fluid
  • Fungal mold
  • Bacteria and viruses
  • Plants
  • Insect bites
  • Animal and bird dropping


(03) Physical Hazard 

Physical hazard can be any factors within the environment that can harm the body without necessary touching it.

  • Radiation  including ionizing, non-ionizing, EMFS, micro waves, radio waves
  • High exposure to sunlight, ultraviolet rays
  •  extremes hot and cold Temperature
  • Constant loud noise


(04) Ergonomic Hazard 

Occur when the type of work body position and working condition put strain on your body. they are the hardest to spot science you don’t always immediately notice the strain on your body or the harm that these hazard pose.

Short term exposure may result in sore muscles the next day or in the day following the exposure can result in serious long term illness.

  • Improper adjusted work station and chairs.
  • Frequent lifting 
  • Poor posture
  • Awkward movement, especially if they are repetitive.
  • Having to use too much force, especially if you have to do it frequently vibration.


(05) Chemical Hazard 

Are present when worker is exposed to any chemical preparation in the work place in any form (solid, liquid and gas). Some are safer than others but to some workers who are more sensitive chemical even common solutions can cause illness, skin, irritation or breathing problems.


  • liquid like cleaning products, paints, acids, solvent especially if chemical are in an unlabeled container
  • Vapors and fumes that come from welding or exposure to solvent
  • Gases like acetylene, propane, carbon monoxide and helium
  • Flammable material like gasoline, solvent and explosive chemical 
  • Pesticides


(06) Work Organization Hazard 

Hazard or stressors that  cause stress (short term effect) and strain  (long term effect). These are hazard associated with workplace issue such as work load, lack of control and respect.

  • workload demand 
  • workplace violence
  • the intensity and pace
  • Respect or lack thereof
  • Flexibility 
  • Control or say about thing
  • Control or say about thing
  • Social support or relation
  • Sexual harassment


Read More : Fire Extinguisher Types 

Hello Friends, I’m Pradip Patel, a B.Sc. graduate with a PDIS and 9 years’ experience. My blog shares insights on chemistry, industrial safety, production, interviews, and knowledge-related topics.

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